My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

21 August, 2006

The Boyfriend Quiz

Online its easy to quiz someone with out them knowing it. Basically the point im trying to reach is, you know someone before you meet them, assuming you do. I've only been courageous enough to meet one guy off the net, and it was only because i knew a bunch of people that knew him already. He was a great guy, and if i had the chance to do it again, i defiantly would. If you could quiz boyfriends and girlfriends before you dated them, would relationship last longer? Would marriages last, and would we have less the rate of divorce? Its possible. Here is my example quiz, to find the perfect man...
1. Could we sit at home and play video games, such as Grand theft auto, Hitman, or tomb raider?
A.Yes, when im off work
B.Heck no, how boring
C.Maybe, we'll see
2.Would you time and gas just to go for a ride around country roads, and explore new towns or roads?
A. Sure sounds like a hoot!
B.Not really, doesnt sound to fun!
C.Maybe depends on how far it was
3.Would you be able to handle my overly needy family? or the excessive hours spent with them?
A.Family is a very wonderful thing, and its nice that you help out
B.Heck no!!
C.Eh, its great you spend time with them, but do you have to spend so much time with them??
4.Could we have sex half and half? meaning, could we have sex some when you wanted, and some when i wanted?
C. Eh, see what happens!
D. AnYtImE is a great time!!
5.Are you a supportive person? would you support me in things, even if you didnt agree with them?
A.Sure i would!
B.It all depends on what it was!
6. Could you or are you, okay with pets? Cats, dogs, birds, ect.?
A.Pets are Great
C.Cats are okay but not dogs
D.Dogs are okay, but not cats
7.Do you enjoy movies? would you be able to keep up with my rapid purchases of movies?
A.Love them! i buy a lot too!
B.Nope, how lame!
C. I like movies, but wouldnt buy a lot
D.I buy a lot, but dont really have time to watch them!
8.Do you smoke? or do you mind smoke?
A. Yea i smoke, its not biggie
B.I hate smokers!
C.It doesnt bother me, but i dont smoke...
9.Do you now, or have you ever taken illegal drugs?
A.I smoked pot awhile back, but do nothing now
B.I use hardcore drugs, often
C.Once in awhile i use
10.Are you a kind hearted person? or would you make me feel like crap just because?
A.Yes, im very kind hearted! and i would never do such!
B.Its just a joke, suck it up!
11.Could we be exclusive?
A. Of course!
12.Could we spend hours just sitting or laying around with eachother?
A.Love to!
B.How Boring!
13.Would you mind my obsessive need or love for music??
A.Nope, I love it too!
B.How annoying!
C.I like music, but not often!
14.Would you take me home to meet your parents?
A.Yeah, thats part of it!
B.Nope, i dont talk to my family
C.Your not family material!
15.Would we go on dates??
A.Isnt that part of it?
C.Eh... Maybe!
16.Have you ever used someone?
B.All the time!
C.Once, but it was a long time ago!
17.Have you ever cheated on someone?
B.All the time!
C.Once but it was a long time ago!
18.Do you drink? if yes, how much?
C.Once in awhile
19.Do you live alone? and also do you own, rent, buying, or have room mates?
C.About to do we work together in your mind?
C.Fairly well
21. what do you think of me? (write it in a private e-mail, with score)
Key & Answers:
A=1 B=3 C & D=2
20-30: Perfect Match-
We're perfect from the start, where have we been all this time? We'll be together forever, or close to it!
31-40:Almost a perfect fit-
We're almost the perfect soul mates, only a few off! We'd be together for awhile or more!
You match up perfectly with my ex! He was a Horrible match, and so are you! If we got together it would ruin our lives!!
Now that you have read my test for the perfect mate, what would yours say? You should make one and put it on your myspace page, or maybe your profile for yahoo, and or aim. It'll attract some, maybe dont make it as obvious as mine. Where you can see which answer would obviously be the one you would pick. It reminds me of those tests you take while applying for a job, you know the obvious answer, so you put it just so you look like the perfect hire! hah! Of course, it would be awesome if we could as our new boyfriend or girlfriend to take our quiz so we knew how long we'd last, and such. But chances are it wont happen. Basically right now, its just for fun! A boredom buster, if you will. Also gives your page a touch of character!
Guess thats it,


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