My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

10 July, 2006

Death and how it could go smoother

As many of you already know, today was Linda Waters' funeral. It was a lovely service, and a room filled with love. We all signed a card for her, that went into the grave. I had no idea what to write, it obviously had to be something good. After all it was going to be with her for eternity. Throught this hole funeral planning i've been there. I've helped in more ways than i can count. Having helped on only one before, i didnt know much. I did have one up on everyone else though. Here are some idea's i had for making funeral's easier on everyone.
1- The hospital
The hospital should have a flyer or something to that effect that they give you. It should have all the things that Have to be done when a person dies. Secondly it should include Things that should be done when people die. examples" something that would have to be done, would be to cancel credit cards, or get a funeral home before 72 hours. something that should be done, would be like, buying them an outfit (has to be bought because their clothes WILL not fit after they have died. (swelling!)) or getting a picture and thinking up things for the obit. most people think the paper puts those in automatically, but they dont!! most funeral homes do it for you, but some dont. The flyer should probably include all or atleast most of the funeral homes in town. Maybe cemeteries too? Other people who could provide the flyer would be funeral homes, how much business would they get, if they had a helpful flyer given at hospitals.
2- Funeral Homes-
ALL funeral homes need to be sure that the people whom work WITH the clientel need to have good manners, and are sensitive to the fact that these people just lost a loved one. its hard enough going to the funeral home, but to have someone rude, and insensitve, thats horrible!! example: Linda's family went to STABB (a very well known funeral home!!) and this lady (deni Polk's wife. (or ex??) was extreamly out of line in what she said to them. She said first of all that she could do nothing for them, unless they imediatly came up with a bare minimum of 5,000 dollars. Now explain this to me, who (minus rich and elderly) has 5 grand just laying around? not many people this day and age (gas prices, and costs of living). She also made sure to put a hitch in their giddy up, by stateing that "tomorrow at 6a.m. will be 72 hours, we cant do anything after that, it'll have to be a closed casket. yeah guess what, i checked, thats a lie! a lie.. from someone you are supposed to trust to burry your loved one? but why you ask? oh i'll expain it to you. Here is why she said that, because if your in a hurry trying to find 5 grand some where, are you going to think to check other places? no probably not, your just going to worry about getting money to a funeral home whom already have all your info. Correct? yes... so that is why i believe she said that. She also was very rude about saying that without the money they could not do anything. No payment plans could be worked out, nothing. How many places now days have no way to make payments? just because your loved one has passed doesnt mean the family is going to, they'll still be there to pay.
3- the third thing that people could do to help others would be. To have a chairty set up to help those whom dont have over 2 grand to pay on a funeral. I searched high and low, and found nothing. A body can only sit so long (that part is correct, but 72 hours isnt!) before it stinks and deflates. I'm beginning to believe thats my purpose. to open up a Charity funeral home. I think that would be nice. You have no idea how hard it was on the family to go through this ordeal. And then to be just crapped on by everyone. how would you feel if your mother had just passed while your still young and then you feared that you couldnt have a funeral for them. or a grave, or a tomb stone. And everyone tried to pressure you into cremation? you'd feel absolutly horrid. As would i! some people dont want cremation, which i can see views for both sides. And all these funeral homes try and get you to it, because its cheaper. But if it was someones dieing wish not to be, thats horrible.
I'm sure i'll think of more things to be added. but those are the main things i think would be very helpful.


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