My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

21 July, 2006

i do apologize

Computers these days have a mind of their own, dont they? similar to a child, they throw tantrums, they shock you, they do things by themselves. mine recently just decided it didnt want to run aol's explorer, meaning i couldnt get on to the world wide web. the only thing i could do, was sometimes (as in not usually) use my instant messengers, and i could also check my e-mail; and that was it. anyway after fighting with it for a few days finally i restored it, and i think im going to restore it a little back further, so that i can loose some problem files i've been dealing with. anyway who knew newer computers stored files similar to a zip drive, to back themselves up. so when you get stuck all you have to do is go there and restore to before you got stuck. i think its awesome they do that, because a lot of people dont back up files as often as they should. its like playing a game and saving just before any of the harder challenges, but who knew they were coming up. my teachers years ago said save every couple of paragrahs. in this case i'd say back up every 3 weeks to a month, maybe sooner. other wise you might get stuck on the outs. anyway i apologize for being gone for awhile, but as you can see it wasn't by choice. I have quite a few things to do today, number one on my list is replace my cell phone. which had a run in with my buick's tires.. lol needless to say it held up VERY well no cracks no broken pieces. the only problem is the screen that appears un broken has internal damage, meaning you can see what to do, and it wont place calls even if you type them in correctly and press send. so i'm going to go cingular and get a replacement, thank god for insurance. second is to get my script from my doctor. we're going to st.loui's in a couple days (hopefully one of my laptops will have working Internet by then). i havent been to st.loui's in awhile, it ought to be fun.. i just hope its not miserably hot outside, because i really want to go to the missouri botanicle gardens, its my fav. and my favorite Italian restaurant, mmmm marciono's.... ohhh and i'll get some calamari... oh goodness i better change the subject.. anyway and because of the horrific storm the yard (2 ac) is covered with leaves, branch's and a bunch of large limbs... so i've got to finish cleaning that up. anyway i'm in a hurry gotta run! sorry about this being so sloppy...



Blogger Sinister **G.Martini** said...

Thanks very much, and i checked out the site and it was pretty kick ass!

6:01 AM  

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