On the Ellen degenerous show. she has a section made to help people achieve their wildest dream, its called "My Craziest Dream" If you were called upon, what would yours be? I've put a lot of thought into it, and i have no idea for myself. But here lets think outside the box, people whom have already achieved their wildest dreams. Name: John Frasante Quest: To be a legendary rocker, biggest fan of "The Red Hot Chili Peppers". He has achieved it, he gets to rock out with them every day! He is best friends with all of them, chad, Tony, and mike (Flea). How awesome would that be if you got to be in your favorite band? It would be like a continuous high, record chart topper! and then to think he almost threw it away with his unfamiliar ways. See because he became addicted to Heroin after he had just replaced Hillel whom died from a heroin overdoes, and anthony had just rehabbed himself. And That was when he left for heroin thats the album 'One Hot Minute' with dave nivarro. Luckily he got clean and came back, because no one could replace hillel but his biggest fan.. And how like down to earth is that, that John actually is part of the group now? He comes up 'im your biggest fan blah blah' and then follows them around on their tours; knows every move, every note, of every second that they play... and now thats him on stage being idolized. I'm so Jealous, if i could have been apart of any band i was obsessed with, well i'd be famous and rich.. And i'd probably be an alcoholic, and a herion junkie.. But i'd swear i did it in the name of rock n' roll!! and i'd complain that its so horrible to be famous because of the press and the men, and drugs.. 'i started for the music' i'd declare at every press junket.. boy toys lined up outside the stage, take a ride in my tricked out ride, to go to the ghetto and buy buy buy, for my high high high... (too far??) "Starring down the barrel of a hot metal 45, just another way to survive?" all i'm saying is think about it, once you've got it all, your looking for ways to destroy what is fulfilled inside, thats where the drugs and alcohol kick in.. Trust in me... So think that over, what would be your biggest dream, and how would you self destruct? -Jess
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