Errors on Judgement
Public Retraction-
I would like to retract a few minor errors in my previous post, one being "Jim im gonna ___" Rather Than -* I'm gonna. The other being the spelling of Mobile (Mobil) i want to spell that way. If i was the same as everyone else, wouldn't that be boring. I know its similar to spelling 'There' when your referring to a 'their'. Was that confusing or just stupid to even mention those things? Lastly i would like to say something to some people whom have commented "You seem to have forgotten to give the address to your personal blog." did i? me? MUST BE FOR A REASON. there's also a few things i would like to change but its to late, and i dont really want to say anything about them, simply because it will draw attn to them. I know its not usually my nature to be mysterious, but hey sometimes, with some people you have to be. Am i right, or am i right? No offense to anyone, really!! if you really care, it'd make me feel awesomely important to anyone, if you'd please ask? It'd show someone other than the person(s) i already know of that read this. Catch my drift. Now onward and forward.
Worldly ish news-
I heard that some soldiers have had a run in, with some iraq soldiers, which was in their case fatal. Well this is a subject close to my heart, so i feel i must address it! If you don't agree with my view, i do apologize, i mean no harm its just that though. An opinion, and aren't we all in titled to one? Isnt that part of our rights that the soldiers are fighting for? and is it me or is everyone getting sick of hearing that same line over and over again. Well so and so died for our rights and our country. I know its true and i don't mean that its wrong, i just simply mean, maybe someone could be more creative and find another things to say, or another way to phrase it? people seem to want to be so uniform, i want to jump out and be different, i want to do things that maybe sometimes someone will notice. Course then they'll copy and then there is a hole mother uniform. But anyway, we're straying far far from the point at hand. American soldiers died in Iraq for us, fighting in a battle that i believe unfair to our nation. But we did do that to their soldiers! AHT!! let me finish!! What was wrong with doing that to their soldiers? why should they have rights while on American soil? Um.. can anyone remember 9-11? course you can its been shoved down our throats for years! anyway- they killed several of our people, in the twin towers. Several people whom have NOTHING to do with the depute at hand here people. its always a big murder of people whom have nothing to do with anything. here is my own personal My belief is as follows; Two men, two countries, come to a disagreement. What do they do? THEY and only THEY battle it out to the death. Whom ever lives, wins the battle. Why should thousands and thousands of men die while having absolutely no choices in the despute or the conflict. I Cant for the life of me understand. Okay lets make it a little easier on your brain. Here is me, lets say im the king of sinister domain, and here comes, lets say King John the ugly king of chi-gardens 'the new world'. Anyway so we have disagree about oh, i don't know, OIL? I want to buy oil but he wants to shut me off, maybe my family has an oil co. Okay so instead of fighting my own battles, i would send it tons of the innocent people whom have no choice but to do what i say. They go in and fight who? Well his people of course because he knows he has to match or beat me with troops. so he sends in tons and tons of troops and we just keep sending in these guys both of us. Until one day, we what, run out of men and women? or maybe one of us will decide its not as important anymore. Or maybe a new ruler comes into term. What exactly was solved here? Now i know some will argue well the presidents or king had to do what was best for his land, or his country. And how does this one man know exactly what's best? He doesn't ladies and gentlemen, he is just like US! he lives and breaths the same air, he sees the same sky when he looks up, because we live in the same world. He is no different. He's not smarter, funnier, better looking, he is nothing. Because he is just the same as you, and i together. So again i will ask what did the battle between the rulers solve? nothing... what did it actually do? leave hundreds of families without a member or two. leave women lonely, leaven mothers depressed and suicidal (which is a hole 'nother can of worms about war.) It tormented the troops that A. had to fight and B. had to be in training or anything else to that effect. Now i can probably see having the troops there to protect us against something bad. like the marsh mellow man in ghost busters. or the giant kid from honey i shrank the kids. But wouldn't the world and love and life be so much simpler if we just let the rulers battle it out. Okay if your afraid of loosing your "Oh so precious ruler" we'll have him appoint ONE man the be his battle bot. And each ruler can send them in to fight. that's only one life lost, ONE. Compared to _______? And if he was stupid enough to take the job, well maybe he wont care. There's how i see a fair war fought!
Closing statements-
Man i could go on and on about war subjects. But although different from what i expected the article to be, its okay for a first attempt at reaching America. So not usually my style i know, but it really just hurts me to even think about war. try to understand please. Imagine loosing the one you truly love, or your parents. God for bid, but think about your children or future children. That would crush me if my baby got killed by someone. By the way if this explains anything i'm from the late 60's. Vietnam.... Past life... hah ~Jess~