My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

17 June, 2006

Blogs Blogs everywhere are Blogs!

I'm planning to set up all my blogs and web sections together, so their in one continuous loop. Well not the way your probably thinking, i just meant make it easier to switch from one to the other, with out hassle or fear of loosing your spot, ect. I started by replacing links on my old blog which has become like a article so thats exactly what im going to consider it from now on, is an article. Article title "My Sinister world" and instead of writing daily on it, I'll write weekly about entertainment, and world new. and my views on this and that. Anyway so we're all organized Jim gonna state the blog, its purpose, and title, along with the addy for easy access!
"My Sinister World" - Worldly entertainment blog -
"Mobil meets blog" - Picture blog for made with friends in mind, and now expanded to Internet people. -
"My Sinister Ebay Escapades" - Interesting Ebay Tid-Bits and findings -
And then of course the only one left is my personal blog, well not personal as in only for my eyes. Personal in the sense that it will include details about me, and my life... Anyway all this gives me something fun(ishly) productive to do in my spare time. So until next time, that'll do it..... -Jess

11 June, 2006

Addiction and you! and Are you an idot? find out now!

I believe that everyone is addicted to something, in some way. Be it video games, computers, another person, maybe a cell phone?, drinking, drugs, sex, ect. Why is addiction bad? addiction is only bad, to me, if you have to hurt someone you love or care about, to get to your addiction. lets say your addicted to... Soda? Its almost impossible to hurt someone, trying to get soda.. But if your addicted to pot?.. That's another story, maybe the people whom care for you wish you don't do it, and you still do. So its hurting them, and yourself at the same time. But really i don't see a big problem with pot, its usually non-addicted and although people may say that it leads to major drug use, i tend to disagree. I used to know a lot of people that smoked pot and none of them use heavy drugs. Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, meth, smack, Ice, those drugs will hurt you, and the ones closest to you. I recommend, not using them if you can help it. Even if someone says its non-addictive, or its a 'party drug, just try it once, its no big deal' don't do it.... I always wondered how someone got addicted to drugs, by the time your 14 or 15 you usually have a general idea of what they are, and that their addictive. So does someone like hand you a crack pipe and say try it, and you smoke it and then like you want it all the time. Or what? i mean like you know its a hard-core drug, so like how stupid do you have to be to get addicted in the first place? I don't know its mind blowing how stupid people are, in general, isn't it? Like yesterday this guy was driving next to me, no big deal. we're coming up to a stupid light and he speeds up (because its red) and cuts in front of me while he was only like 2 feet ahead, luckily i was getting ready to turn other wise i would have hit him. Well his window was down and i had my dog in the back, so i pulled up next to him while he was stopped. I simply said "Did you learn how to drive, or are you just wingin' it?" and pulled away so when the light turns green he lays on the horn and flicks me off. I wasn't really rude, he could have gotten himself hit, but possibly that was his intention? I don't know, things like this happen all the time, and it amazed me, do people think they are really skilled drivers and that's why they don't get hit, or do they realize that its because you were paying attention (unlike most people) and hit the breaks? I don't know about some people. Oh here's a prime example there used to be this really dumb girl that worked at Thortons on 6th st. i got a pack of cigarettes from her, she hands them to me and asks for my ID, and then tells me " you don't look 17" at the time i was 19. A. she cant do math, and B. if i was 17 she couldn't sell me cigs right? or did they change the law? one time my change back was like 19 bucks i asked for a 10 and a 9 one's (easy right?) not for her, she said she couldn't do that, and i was like why? your still giving me the same amount! i don't know it got to the point where after i got her 4 times i began to avoid her... So are you one of these morons? or are you addicted? maybe both? eww i'd feel sorry for you!! I'm addicted to cigarettes, soda, i guess my pain pills i dont know, um... i guess that's it? no biggie i assume. Just think about it, analyze yourself! until next time, adios muchao! -Jess