My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

30 May, 2006

My Craziest Dream - Ellen

On the Ellen degenerous show. she has a section made to help people achieve their wildest dream, its called "My Craziest Dream" If you were called upon, what would yours be? I've put a lot of thought into it, and i have no idea for myself. But here lets think outside the box, people whom have already achieved their wildest dreams. Name: John Frasante Quest: To be a legendary rocker, biggest fan of "The Red Hot Chili Peppers". He has achieved it, he gets to rock out with them every day! He is best friends with all of them, chad, Tony, and mike (Flea). How awesome would that be if you got to be in your favorite band? It would be like a continuous high, record chart topper! and then to think he almost threw it away with his unfamiliar ways. See because he became addicted to Heroin after he had just replaced Hillel whom died from a heroin overdoes, and anthony had just rehabbed himself. And That was when he left for heroin thats the album 'One Hot Minute' with dave nivarro. Luckily he got clean and came back, because no one could replace hillel but his biggest fan.. And how like down to earth is that, that John actually is part of the group now? He comes up 'im your biggest fan blah blah' and then follows them around on their tours; knows every move, every note, of every second that they play... and now thats him on stage being idolized. I'm so Jealous, if i could have been apart of any band i was obsessed with, well i'd be famous and rich.. And i'd probably be an alcoholic, and a herion junkie.. But i'd swear i did it in the name of rock n' roll!! and i'd complain that its so horrible to be famous because of the press and the men, and drugs.. 'i started for the music' i'd declare at every press junket.. boy toys lined up outside the stage, take a ride in my tricked out ride, to go to the ghetto and buy buy buy, for my high high high... (too far??) "Starring down the barrel of a hot metal 45, just another way to survive?" all i'm saying is think about it, once you've got it all, your looking for ways to destroy what is fulfilled inside, thats where the drugs and alcohol kick in.. Trust in me... So think that over, what would be your biggest dream, and how would you self destruct? -Jess

29 May, 2006

Just another bad habit

I cant help it, its a bad habit i picked up! have you ever found yourself saying those very words.. Maybe you pick at a guitar that isn't there? Possibly you drum a drum that isn't there? we all do it, and we know who we are. Those folks whom play an instrument, or played in a band. And there's no way to stop it, its just a bad habit we can not seem to break. The worst sight I've seen, is people who play nothing, and try to play air guitar? what is that even about? They have no idea how to hold it, how to use their fingers, and it looks awkwardly horrid! If you are one of these people, please stop you give me a headache! Or how about those people that tap that drum, and have no idea that there's more than one drum used in music. I mean are they really that slow that they've never seen a band play, and don't realize it? you can tell a drummer because they keep perfect beat, and they use both hands and usually their feet, unless their driving, even they try! Do you ever miss having a band? Pretending your some hot shot rock star? Or maybe you just regret not being able to have a band? I think everyone should be taught at least one musical instrument, two if its not a rock instrument. Like i know Clarinet, Flute, piano, bass and acoustic guitars, and i attempted to learn drums from my uncle.. which was horrible do not let family members teach you... he tried to teach me piano too, oh lordy it was mind numbingly weird... So in all we've learned not to pretend we know instruments we do not, and to learn musical instruments, and (or) teach them to our young.. This is a very important thing to do, teaching them music i mean. It really helps with life, it makes you more creative, more hard shelled, i guess. In some ways, some could argue it helps with math and staying in school, but hah look at me... I guess in some cases it may, there's always hope! So maybe next time you're watching VH1 and they've got the save the music commercial on, you'll listen up and do what you can to help. Anything helps, donate things you don't use, old band instruments, money whatever you can! If we all had made our kids learn music maybe the world would be all about drugs and sex now.. Well not all about hardcore drugs, pot is one thing, crack is another... But that is a hole n'other can of worms ladies and gents! And thats all for now i assume, not much to look at, but its something important wrapped up small!! -Jess

28 May, 2006

Happy Holidays? Over Worked Holiday, is more direct!

I'll begin by wishing everyone a safe memorial day, dont get drunk and drive. Even though its fun, dont do it.. Cops arent stupid, they know on holidays people get drunk and run around.. Hence the road blocks.. Today i had a fun chat with my brother Chris, he was working at the store, and i went in for last minute party foods and drink. Course he held me up, for atleast 45 minutes.. But then i never get to see him, so it was fun. We used to live together, thats how i met mark. Mark and Chris worked together for several years, and then chris had to move but couldnt find a room mate so mark let him move in his house. And then i went over to visit and met mark. I just should have stayed home, i regret going now.. Everyone is popin' kids out this year, i dont know why. My cousin Jeremy just had Avery (i'll try add a picture) and now my cousin Tom is having a son, moving to Fl, and he's stuck with some girl that he doesnt really care for. Reason being they werent really dating it was more like a freaky friend? ya know? well then here she is pregnant, but they arent getting married, because they said they fight all the time. Oh well... its so hot i cant stand to sit in her, excuse the crappy post, i'll make it up later.. least its something to keep us busy for a few minutes.. Peace - Jess