My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

28 July, 2006

st.louis weekend meeting

I will be away in st.louis for 2 days, so i wont be here to chat, post, ect. You will be able to reach me by cell, and text messages. I will try and get one of my laptops Internet ready before i go, because they have high speed (who doesn't these days?) and it will make chatting and posting faster and easier from my end. Anyway this isn't a post but an update. To let you and anyone else know that i wont be online. My step dad and sister will be staying here taking care of my animals. I feel like im running a vet's office lately. with blackie turning into tiny Tim, tooter and his mysterious wound, Edgar and his back trouble. lets see, oh and tiny (whiney) may be pregnant with blackie's (post- tiny Tim accident) babies. YAY!!! i hate to talk about it early as it does curse things as we know it. which is why women do not talk of their pregnancy's until the 3rd month, i believe? may have changed but that's how it used to be at least. now as for why i am going to st.louis, i'm told its for me, but we know different, don't we? my mother, grandfather and i are going to downtown st.louis across from union station. he is going for a reunion type thing with his brystol meyer squibb sales men. They were drug pushers back when it was still polite to call them such. Just to give you a time reference. they sold many pharmaceuticals to several pharmacies, in a variety of locations. If you do a search i'm sure their web site could do more justice to the company than i ever could. anyway my grandfather was voted top 6 sales man in his company several times, I'll dig up an article to show later on. anyway i have to keep this short we leave tomorrow morning and i still have yet to pack. basically all I've gotten to do today was shop for last minute items, munchies and such. i don't know how much I'll get to do their, I'll bring pictures back. first and foremost i want to get some bra's and underwear, maybe some shirts and pants too if i can afford it. anyone in the st.louis district that i know feel free to give me a call anytime after 3/4 tomorrow. and hey i know I'll bored so anyone else feel free to call anyway. here is how i envision my evening, a TV, a me, a bed, and a real fruit strawberry bar.. mmm how fun.. seriously it'll be nice to have nothing to do.. anyway so ends my boring brief on st.louis!! Join me why don't cha?

27 July, 2006

Shes saying goodbye, she's leaving tonight!

The title is a quote from SugarCults song: "Saying GoodBye" which probably describes 100's of 1,000's of teenage girls sitting at home right now. Sitting there wishing to be some where else, with someone else. maybe wishing they were someone else. But why? you may ask. Well while some people are having fun in school, others are made miserable just by the simple fact someone happy or carefree is there. The fact that you or they have found a way to let go, de-stress and just have fun and see humor in almost anything. Hurts them, because they have not yet learned those things. Where you one those people? or was I? or maybe both? i wasn't really one to wish i was someone else, maybe that i looked different, defiantly wished to be some where else. I love to travel and there's so many cool things around you, you really don't even have to travel far to see them. st.louis is 100 miles from Springfield and they have tons of cool clubs, sight seeing spots, the arch who could pass that up? but things that are closer (with gas prices, i guess we should stay closer to home) my favorite town Taylorville, a very cute town, with my all time favorite square. If i had the authority I'd nominate them for square of the year. or something numbingly weird like that. my point being that some times what your looking for, is right in your back yard. Your into music, hey check out the local bar scene, local bands can sometimes be better than signed bands. Check out a bare minimum of 5 before you judge any of them. i guarantee that at least 2 of them will be worth while, who knows you might even become a groupie. Its easy to do and you don't even know. I guess you could become a Band-Aid if you don't want to consider yourself a groupie. Honestly Groupies aren't to bad, i don't think. Their honest to god, the heart and soul of the band, their the ones that make or break you. SO if your a band, or a band member i guess, maybe you should treat your groupies out to something nice? maybe you'll pull your band that extra mile. Music and life are like a braid. They weave and wind together.. to people who have no yet seen or found this method of life, this may be why you have not found happiness? or maybe you just take life to seriously? sometimes you should kick back, but on your favorite tunes, listen to them until you can feel the words. Of course the best way to help this along is to maybe have a beer? i don't know, i don't drink anymore, so I'm about no help. Anyway this is basically a filler post, because I'm working on one really awesome one. so don't get too upset! promise, the best comes last. or well last to this one.