My Sinister World

"The is reality, this is life, this is - the caos factor." -Sinister85

02 May, 2006

Researching Helens Ring..

I've been searching, for a replacement for aunt Helens ring. Its very beautiful, and i've loved it since i was little. And now its mine, and i fear everyday that im going to be the one that's going to ruin it. Its 4th generation. Here's the story: Aunt Helen, my grandmothers aunt, her mothers sister. Died very young, which then was common. So my great grandmother go the ring, but only the engagement ring. The wedding ring i believe she was buried in. It was given to my great grandmother because she only had a plain wedding band, because her husband was a Baptist minister. They weren't exactly rich, but they had the love of god in their home. So when my great grandmother died it too was on her hand, thats two people whom have died in it so far. It was given to my grandmother, whom almost died in it. She wore it until the very last week, when it was taken off of her hand, and placed on mine. Although i'm not married, i placed it on my ring finger, because that is where it belongs. My mother got skipped. Although she did wear it for a couple days, she didnt die in it. But i most certainly will, you can bet on that. I'll include a picture of the ring, although because its small its hard to get a clear picture of it. Its White gold, with one large Diamond. Its from 30's-40's. Its been appraised at over 2 grand, because of the Diamond, and the white gold. So i decided before i broke it, i would like to find one, similar. The only difference i wanted was, where the filigree is, i wanted there to be a couple diamonds, and i would like to have a wedding band to go with it. So i've been searching and searching, and i finally found EXACTLY what i was looking for. Its 55 with shipping, on ebay. Its got 3 days and 13 hours left. I plan to buy it, but i have to wait until the exact moment to strike. Because there are 2 bids on it, and i dont know, and never find one like it again. I'll also include a picture of it (If i can ever get them to upload, i've been having some trouble with that). what their max bid is. I'm scared i'll loose this ring, And never be able to find another like it. I guess the pictures wont uplo9ad, i'll figure something out and get back to you. -Jess


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